Saturday, October 2, 2010

The Launch

Over a year ago, we were both laid off. Months of closed doors led us to reevaluate and reinvent ourselves. For me, one of those reinventions is to follow a childhood dream of being an advice columnist, and since he’s so supportive, he agreed to start this column with me. With any luck, this is just the start. So we hope you'll take this journey with us. Send us your questions and check back for our advice. Hopefully, our unique perspective and team approach will pique your interest. We anticipate being refreshingly humorous, while remaining honest and helpful. Although we’ve had our share of arguments, they’ve only made our relationship stronger and we have NEVER argued about money. That alone is worth getting our advice about. So come on join us and ask away!


  1. My husband and I are about to celebrate our 10 year anniversary. We are happily married with two very busy children. Times being what they are, we are finding that much of our expendable income is being spent on the children and their needs/activities. How do we find a balance so that we, as a couple, can have resources reserved for our activities? It feels like there is never anythng left over at the end of the month for a babysitter and a couple tickets to the movies...

  2. Is there anything we can do about the rampant rudeness in movie theaters? Young people as well as adults talk, to each other and on their cells, right during a movie!

  3. Okay, I'll have you made it through 15 years of marriage without a single argument about money?

  4. What do you do when your kid is friends with someone whose parents do not have the same parenting philosophy as you?

  5. My husband is very handy around the house, but when he's finished a job, he doesn't put all the tools away. The whole basement is a workshop, but he has set up a toolbox in the upstairs bathroom so things are closeby. Is it unreasonable of me to ask him to put all his tools away in the basement when a project is done (or on a break)?
